Identification and Mechanisms for Bridging the Divide in Different types of Scientific Communications


  • G.Ya. Shevchenko, Association Noosphere
  • V.S. Bilozubenko University of Customs and Finance
  • О.А. Marchenko Oles Honchar Dnipro National University



noosphere, scientific communications, communication divides, information transfer channels, types and forms of communication, web services, virtual communications, information technologies


The relevance of the study stems from the fact that the free circulation of knowledge and access to it is the most critical prerequisite for the advancement of science, which makes communication a determining factor and a “living” social fabric of science. The paper considers the scientific communications (SCs) not only as an interaction within the scientific community, but also as an interaction of science with business, government and society. Each type of SCs can feature specific contradictions, the so-called communication divides, reducing their effectiveness.

The aim of this paper is to systematize and structure various types and forms of SCs, existing in social relationships, make their structural analysis, identify and evaluate communication divides related to such typology, with proposing mechanisms for their efficient bridging.

The information sources for this are research papers of the leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists, findings of empirical research, including Stanford University reports. The Hegel’s principle of ascending from the abstract to the concrete as well as the general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, generalization, scientific deduction and induction) became the fundamental methodological tenet of the study. The paper is of interdisciplinary nature.

Findings. Four types of SCs (by addressees) are highlighted: Science-to-science (communications in the scientific community), Science-to-government (communications between science and government), Science-to-business (communications between science and business) and Science-to-society (communications between science and society). The authors suggested their own classification of SCs, encompassing the standard (oral and written) and virtual (individual and mass) types of SCs. The characteristics of the key types of SCs enabled to access their development and identify the communication divides and the causes of their occurrence. Based on this classification, the authors suggested the mechanisms for bridging these communication divides by type of SCs (with identification of the divide and the way to bridge it). In the course of the study and substantiation of the authors’ recommendations, special emphasis is laid on the capabilities for the development of SCs, created by the information technologies.

The conclusions are made about the need to build a single communication space for SCs using new forms of interactions, arising from virtual communications. For illustrative purposes, the paper suggests a model of the specialized web service designed to facilitate the process of SCs, with demonstrating its elements (in particular, database and knowledge base) and arrangement of information for various users. In the authors’ opinion, such services will become a step towards noosphere.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, , G., Bilozubenko, V., & Marchenko О. (2024). Identification and Mechanisms for Bridging the Divide in Different types of Scientific Communications. Science and Science of Science, 4(110), 44–62.



Science and Innovation-driven Development of Economy and Society