European energy communities, renewable energy communities, citizen energy communities, harmonization, adaptation, EU legislation.Abstract
The definition of European energy communities in EU legislation is examined, specifically focusing on communities that utilize renewable energy sources (renewable energy communities or RECs) and citizen energy communities (CECs). Key distinguishing features of RECs and CECs are identified and classified. It is established that the primary, though not exclusive, differences between them are geographical limitations, energy vectors, and levels of autonomy.
Furthermore, the main types of activities that energy communities can undertake, regardless of their type—be it RECs or CECs—are highlighted. These activities include energy production, storage, and consumption, as well as participation in electricity markets. The legal status of business models arising in the EU alongside the implementation of energy communities is analyzed, particularly focusing on microgrids and virtual power plants.
Additionally, new participants in the energy market are discussed, including demand aggregators, energy storage systems, and active consumers (prosumers). Demand aggregators play a crucial role in reducing peak loads, providing flexibility within the system. Energy storage systems allow for the accumulation of surplus electricity for later use, contributing to the stability of energy supply. Active consumers, or prosumers, are capable of not only consuming energy but also generating it, creating new opportunities for the integration of renewable energy sources into local energy systems. This not only offers economic benefits but also promotes the development of a more sustainable energy infrastructure in Europe.
Thus, energy communities play a vital role in transforming the EU energy market, fostering an increase in the use
of renewable energy sources and enhancing citizen participation in energy policy processes.
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