strategizing, local economic development, territorial community, tools, goals, triggers.Abstract
The article identifies tools, goals and triggers for strategizing local economic development. It is noted that strategizing local economic development is a prerequisite for high-quality and rapid reconstruction of communities and Ukraine as a whole. Within the framework of local economic development strategizing, various tools are used, but the main one is the territorial community development strategy. It is noted that in order to develop a development strategy.
The following tools were used in the Dmytrivka rural territorial community: SWOT analysis, sociological questionnaires or surveys of residents and businesses, scenarios (optimistic, pessimistic and realistic) of development, a tree of goals, matrices of compliance of the Development Strategy of the Dmytrivka rural territorial community with the State Strategy for Regional Development of Ukraine until 2027, strategic vision of the community and vision of development, system of indicators and indicators for monitoring, public consultations, etc. The hromada is characterized by a multifactorial positive peculiarity of its economic and geographical position, first of all, by its location near the capital, its location in the center of Ukraine, as well as the development of transport links. The system of indicators for monitoring the implementation of the strategy of the Dmytrivka rural territorial community until 2027 contains many indicators, but the typical or main ones are: growth in the number of residents of the territorial community; increase in residents' satisfaction with living in the community; increasing the volume of investments in the community; increase in the number of business entities registered on the territories of territorial communities; growth of the revenue side of the local budget;
improvement of the environment, etc. The development of a community development strategy also involves the definition
of strategic and operational goals, tasks, which are summarized in the tree of goals. For the development of the Development
Strategy of the Dmytrivka rural territorial community, triggers were also identified: martial law; demographic situation;
mass migration of the population; mobilization of men (women); imbalance of the labor market; economic development
in countries; uninterrupted power supply; international and state aid.
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