Innovation Cooperation between Universities and Business: The Experience of Ukraine
universities, higher education establishments, research and development, innovating enterprises, national innovation system, innovation cooperation, UkraineAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of innovation cooperation between universities and business in the context of the open innovation paradigm. The main sources of information for the analysis are scientific publications on this issue, data from state statistics of Ukraine on innovation activities of enterprises, electronic sources of information of authorities and Ukrainian universities. A review of previous research indicates a change in the role of modern universities: in addition to education and research, they are increasingly involved in innovation, social and economic projects.
The general political and macroeconomic situation in Ukraine and the unfavourable business environment lead to a low innovation activity of enterprises. Statistical analysis showed that the share of innovation enterprises in 2018—2020 was the lowest (8.5 %) for all years of observation, and the share of innovation enterprises involved in innovation cooperation with external partners was 65 %. Entrepreneurs are not inclined to establish partnerships with universities: only 5.6 % of innovation enterprises cooperate with universities.
A performance analysis of the Ukrainian universities with top positions in the national ranking allowed us to trace a positive trend: higher education institutions seek to expand contacts and cooperation with the real sector of the economy to intensify innovation. Examples of organizational forms of cooperation between universities and business are given. These include science and technology parks, technology transfer centres, business incubators, online information systems, online platforms and other tools.
It was emphasized, that the establishment of productive relations between enterprises and universities of the country can contribute to the innovation of both components of the national innovation system, especially given the high educational potential of Ukraine. It is concluded, that it is necessary to create coordination structures on the interaction of higher education institutions and innovation enterprises in order to successfully implement joint projects to create and implement innovative developments and knowledge-intensive technologies, and develop high-tech industries. It is emphasized, that the national innovation system cannot develop effectively, only based on the initiatives of individual organizations and enterprises, and therefore the state should play a key role in creating favourable conditions for cooperation between universities and enterprises. Ukraine’s state innovation policy currently lacks consistency in the adoption and implementation of laws on science, education and innovation
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