Potential and Achievements of Higher Education Research in Ukraine
higher education institutions, scientific and technological activity of higher education, research university, functions of universities, ratings of universitiesAbstract
The article deals with the problem of contribution from higher education institutions to the Ukrainian scientific achievements and the roles of universities in the national innovation system. The article is based on the review of scientific publications; analysis of data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, and analysis of the national and international rankings of universities. Major current trends in the scientific sector of higher education in Ukraine are identified. It is revealed that, although some progress in the reform of the educational component of universities has been achieved, the problem of research activities in universities and effective use of scientific potential of the higher education institutions remains in place. Except for rare cases, Ukrainian universities do not meet the modern requirements to «research universities» and «entrepreneurial universities», despite the fact that 14 institutions have been granted the «Research University» status of by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Research performed in the universities of Ukraine is mostly outside the university world rankings and is poorly integrated into the global scientific and technological area.
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