Structuring the Economy of Public Health: Innovative Aspects




economy of public health, health preservation economy, health rehabilitation economy, medical treatment economy, primary health care, preventive health care, household expenditure


The innovative aspects of structuring the economy of public health are highlighted. The article reveals innovative aspects of structuring the economy of public health by health preservation economy, health rehabilitation economy, and medical treatment economy. Its essence is revealed as economic relations between the population, the external environment and medical personnel for the timely detection of change in the health status and provision of prophylactic, primary, secondary and other specialized medical care, in order to preserve, rehabilitate or maintain the health, and treat diseases if necessary. This research is highly important due to the need for implementation of innovative approaches to structuring the economy of public health at community level (health preservation economy, health rehabilitation economy), district level — within hospital districts (health rehabilitation economy and medical treatment economy) and university clinics (health rehabilitation economy and medical treatment economy). Innovative aspects of its structuring as health preservation economy, health rehabilita­tion economy and medical treatment economy by the priority development of preventive and primary medical care on the principles of family medicine are justified. This will require a radical review of the financing of the health care system in favor of health preservation economy (more than 7 times growth given the priority of preventive and primary medical care), with the financing of health rehabilitation economy increased by 14 %. This is supposed to essentially reduce the unreasonable spending on medical treatment economy. The share of growth in spending on health rehabilitation economy in the structure of health preservation economy and medical treatment economy is justified. An important step involves the structuring of health preservation economy at community level, health rehabilitation economy and medical treatment economy at the level of newly created districts (hospital districts), and medical treatment economy and health rehabilitation economy at regional level (university clinics).


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How to Cite

Korniychuk, O. (2024). Structuring the Economy of Public Health: Innovative Aspects. Science and Science of Science, 2(108), 16–27.



Science and Innovation-driven Development of Economy and Society