The The UNESCO Priorities in the Themes of Scientific Symposiums of the IAAS




UNESCO, science, International Association of Academies of Sciences, international symposium, international organizations


The article contains an overview of the UNESCO’s interactions with an international nongovernmental organization, the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS), maintaining active work contacts with the UNESCO, including organization of international symposiums in Kiev on vital issues of science. The UNESCO’s role as an intergovernmental organization of the United Nations with the remarkable influence on the development of the modern civilization is emphasized, the mechanisms of its cooperation with Ukraine is shown. The UNESCO’s contribution in the development of research is highlighted, which is proved by its regular reports on research, technology and innovation performance. An analysis of the latest “The Science UNESCO Report: towards 2030” issued in 2015 shows the increasing role of science as a driving force of the modern society and a means of social progress worldwide. A review of the international symposiums held biennially since 2001 and onward, usually with the UNESCO’s financial support and under the IAAS auspices, is made: “The Role of International Organizations in the Development of Pan-European Technological Area” (2001); “Basic Research in the Modern Innovation Process: Institutionalization, Performance, Integration” (2003); “Knowledge-Based Society: New Challenges for Science and Scientists” (2005); “Integration of Science and Education: A Key Factor for Building up the Knowledge-based Society” (2007); “New Challenges to the Academy Science in the Context of Problems of the Contemporary Crisis: International and National Aspects” (2009); “Transference of Science and Technology Activity Centers across the European Area and Cross-Country Mobility of Scientists and Specialists: Modern Tendencies” (2011); “The Attitude of Society and State to Science in the Conditions of Contemporary Economic Crises: Tendencies, Models, Ways for Deepening Mutual Understanding and Interactions” (2013); “Interactions of Governments and National Scientific Communities with International Organizations for Development and Utilization of Scientific Knowledge” (2015); “International and National Scientific Organizations: A Factor for Building up the Global Scientific Community” (2017); “National Academies of Sciences: Modern Status, Problems, Prospects of Development and Priorities of Cooperation in the IAAS Framework” (2019).


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How to Cite

Malitsky, B., & Kavunenko, L. (2024). The The UNESCO Priorities in the Themes of Scientific Symposiums of the IAAS. Science and Science of Science, 2(108), 3–15.