Peculiarities of Research and Development in the Context of Globalization (The Case of Australia)




Australia, international science and technology cooperation, R&D sector, science and technology potential, science and technology area, research institutions, research and education sector


The results of the study of transformation processes in research and development (R&D) in the context of globalization (the case of Australia) are presented, with analysis of global indicators characterizing research, education and innovation capacities and the R&D performance in the Fifth continent. Modern trends of internationalization in R&D and education sectors are outlined; processes of integration of Australian research institutions into the global science and technology area are highlighted; the role of the government in these processes is shown. A review of Australian position in the leading global ratings was made; it was determined that Australia was one of the leading countries in the Global index of talent competitiveness, being among the five leading exporters of educational services; Australian universities were among the best international institutions of higher education, and the researchers’, teachers’ and students’ mobility and participation in international projects contributed to the increase in the publication activity of research institutions of Australia. An analysis of statistical data revealed that twenty years of the 21th century were marked by growing investment and workforce in R&D, attracting heavy amounts of foreign direct investments to the domestic economy; leading foreign high-tech companies were opening their branches here, investing in R&D, attracting research personnel and commercializing innovative developments of Australian researchers. However, the analysis showed that the decreasing share of the business sector in the financing of R&D became the main factor behind reduction of the R&D intensity of GDP and Australia’s lagging behind OECD countries by the gross domestic expenditure for R&D. Data on the distribution government investment in R&D in Australia show that the government maintains the important role in R&D financing at all administrative levels, with the higher education sector accounting for the largest share in the direct budgetary financing, which conforms to trends in other OECD countries. Three main components can be distinguished in the structure of Australia’s international science and technology cooperation (ISTC): the U.K, the U.S., New Zealand (strategic partners); the EU (a global technological leader); and the rapidly developing countries of the Indo-Pacific region. A description of the Australia’s ISTC in these areas is given. A review of positive experiences of Australia allowed the authors to formulate a number of recommendations for Ukraine, which can be applicable in view of the need for rapid revival and restructuring of the domestic economy in the post-war period.


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How to Cite

Zernetska , O., & Ovcharova , L. (2024). Peculiarities of Research and Development in the Context of Globalization (The Case of Australia). Science and Science of Science, 3(121), 111—141.



Foreign science. International Science and Technology Cooperation