Business Research and Development Sector: The Ukrainian Dimension




business sector of science, research and development, innovativeness, innovation activity, innovation development, innovation system, innovation cooperation


The current state of the business sector of science in Ukraine is studied. The main sources of information for the analysis are international and domestic scientific publications, statistical data and electronic sources of authorities and international organizations. It was revealed, that in Ukraine, the share of research and development expenditures in GDP has been constantly decreasing in recent years from 0.75% in 2010 to 0.41% in 2020; in addition, the share of business expenditures on R&D in GDP was 30.5% in 2018, compared to 58.6% of EU average. It was emphasized, that the business R&D should be assigned the task of innovative renewal of the real sector of the economy. A comparative analysis of the potentials of the government and business sectors of science shows that the business sector of science of Ukraine, which is mainly engaged in technical sciences, does not yet fulfill the role of a driver of technological renewal of domestic industry. In 2020, the business sector of science of Ukraine included 198 organizations (26%); and has decreased by three times in 10 years. Data on a low level of innovative activity of enterprises are provided: the share of innovatively active enterprises in 2018—2020 was the lowest (8.5%) for all years of observation; in 2020, the share of the number of innovatively active industrial enterprises was only 16.8%. Cutting-edge scientific results are not used in the domestic economy due to weak connections between the elements of the national innovation system (first of all, between science and business), as well as due to a general low receptiveness of the business sector to innovations. The outlined organizational forms of business R&D promotion include internal R&D of research divisions of large enterprises; financing of promising projects of scientific organizations or universities by large and medium-sized enterprises; offer of scientific institutions or universities unique process and product innovations; orders from enterprises to scientific organizations for the development of new technologies and innovations; and participation of enterprises in joint scientific research projects with scientific institutions and universities. It was concluded that it is necessary to implement a complex of organizational, managerial, legislative and resource measures to stimulate the business sector of science, including by strengthening innovation cooperation of enterprises with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and universities.


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How to Cite

Isakova , N. (2024). Business Research and Development Sector: The Ukrainian Dimension. Science and Science of Science, (3(121), 87—110.



Science and Innovation-driven Development of Economy and Society