Military-Technological and Socio-Humanitarian Research in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian War




Russian-Ukrainian war, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Armed Forces of Ukraine, national security and defense, modern weapons, history, sociology, demography


The article substantiates the relevance of the generalization of the scientific opinion of researchers from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine in response to the Russian-Ukrainian war, reflected in publications on natural-technological and socio-humanitarian disciplines, issues of national security and defense of Ukraine, where the historical prerequisites, deep causes and nature of the Russian-Ukrainian war, its social and cultural dimensions, consequences and risks for Ukraine and the world are considered. A number of studies by scientists of the NAS of Ukraine on defense and military-medical technologies, as well as historical works, where the consequences of the Russian Federation’s war in Ukraine in the global and all-Ukrainian context were analyzed. It was determined that the subject concerns the defense capability and security of the state, in particular, the creation of the first domestic samples of transparent armor that meet NATO standards, an X-band radar station and a system for detecting unmanned aerial vehicles, camouflage composite coatings, biomaterials for the restoration of bone tissue, cryopreservation technologies of blood cells. It is shown that the spectrum of humanitarian research at the NAS of Ukraine covers the justification of the post-colonial nature of the current war for Russia and the existential one for Ukraine, the analysis of social phenomena and processes caused by the war, in particular the multi-million flow of forced migrants, the destruction of the socio-psychological condition of the population of Ukraine and the activation of its mobilization resources. The volunteer activities of the NAS of Ukraine in helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the population were highlighted, information was provided about the support of the Academy by the international scientific community.


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How to Cite

Lytvynko , A. (2024). Military-Technological and Socio-Humanitarian Research in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian War. Science and Science of Science, 2(120), 95—115.



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