The The Story of the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering: A Showcase of the Strategic Miscalculations in the State Policy (1992—2003)




machine-building, Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering, Research and production association “Dnipropetrovsk Electric Locomotive Plant”, design and technological capabilities, Ukrzaliznytsia


The article presents the results of a study on the historical events surrounding the creation, development, and dissolution of the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering within the Scientific and Production Association “Dnipropetrovsk Electric Locomotive Plant” (SPA “DELP”). The research was conducted using departmental regulatory acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and sectoral ministries, as well as materials from multi-circulation newspapers. The historical circumstances of the development and preconditions for the diversification of the production activities at SPA “DELP” amid the formation of a market economy in Ukraine and the declining demand for narrowly specialized products were analyzed. It was found that during the 1990s and 2000s, the SPA “DELP” team, with its promising scientific and production capabilities, mastered a wide range of mainline equipment production to meet the needs of railways with innovative electric transport. However, amid market transformation in the domestic economy, the leadership of the Ministry of Machine-Building Industry of Ukraine chose an ineffective path of fixing the organizational and legal status of the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering as a public enterprise, with a catastrophic impact on its further development. Due to the lack of long-term development priorities for the production and economic capacities of domestic machine-building and a consistent policy for their implementation in specific enterprises, the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering failed to realize its initial plans to form a powerful national science and technology center, and its activities were effectively reduced to executing design documentation for the needs of SPA “DELP”. Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian railways), guided by the self-serving economic interest of a state monopolist, amid another shift in the government’s political course, achieved the decision effectively liquidating the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering as an independent legal entity, laying the groundwork for the subsequent destruction of the scientific and production capabilities of domestic electric locomotive engineering.


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How to Cite

Ruban М., & Ponomarenko , V. (2024). The The Story of the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotive Engineering: A Showcase of the Strategic Miscalculations in the State Policy (1992—2003). Science and Science of Science, 3(125), 68–92.



Science and technology history