Research and Development Financing in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: A Statistical Assessment
scientific and technological potential, research and development, special fund of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Research Foundation of Ukraine, budgetary R&D financing, institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of UkraineAbstract
The article sets out the results of the authors’ study of trends specific to R&D financing in the National Academy of Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine, Academy). The study is based on data from proceedings of parliamentary debates on domestic R&D financing, publications of prominent domestic researchers, proceedings of sessions and directives of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine over 2020—2023, annual reports about the Academy activities, statistical material of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and international organizations, information material displayed on the website of the NAS of Ukraine, the Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU). Statistical data used in the analysis covers R&D financing in the NAS of Ukraine from the public budget in 2010—2023, the structure of revenues to the special fund of the NAS of Ukraine in 2023, R&D financing from the public budget by division of the NAS of Ukraine in 2023, number and financing of contracts with domestic and foreign partners in 2023, R&D financing by NRFU grants. The analysis of statistics on R&D financing in the NAS of Ukraine from the public budget showed its fall down in relation to GDP (from 0,23 % in 2010 to 0,09 % in 2023), in spite of an absolute increase; a substantial reduction in the share of financing from the general fund (from 85,4 % in 2022 to 76 % in 2023). It is stressed that the downward dynamics of R&D financing from the public budget enhanced the weight of program-oriented and competitive methods in the formation of research themes in the Academy institutions, which share was 20,3 % in the total themes. An important part of the analysis is concerned with raising off-budget funds in the Academy’s divisions, with identifying research teams seeking for these resources most actively. It was revealed that shortage of the budgetary R&D financing had caused project closures, staff reductions, affected the renovation of material and technical facilities of Academy institutions and R&D performance. Information about technological developments of Academy researchers implemented in business enterprise and government sectors is given, to show that in defiance of the war-related losses research teams in the NAS of Ukraine have been seeking to attract off -budget funds to market R&D. NRFU data demonstrate the increasing contribution of this off-budget source in the R&D financing of the Academy. Recommendations aimed at preservation and effective utilization of science & technology capacities and enhancement of the competitiveness of Academy institutions are given.
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