G.M. Dobrov’s Method of Problem-Oriented Assessments and Performance Analysis of Research Institutions





G.M. Dobrov, problem-oriented assessments, scientific and technological potential, indicators, results, goals of development


The main provisions of the problem-oriented assessments (POA) of scientific and technical potential developed by G.M. Dobrov are considered. It is demonstrated that at one time this was an important step in improving assessment in the field of science. It is shown that POA were one of the first successful attempts at comprehensive assessment due to the combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of potential. Problem-oriented assessments made it possible to formulate direct and inverse tasks when planning research, that is, it was possible to start with an analysis of the available potential and move on to determining its compliance with goals, or to construct an “ideal” potential for a particular goal. In reality, the process had to be iterative, where both approaches interacted with each other. From a methodological point of view, POA have played a positive role in the development of assessment methods. It is shown that in fact, poo is a kind of normative method. Its application helped to understand better the complexity of the functioning of modern systems of organization of science and to improve approaches to the formation of development goals. The use of POA has actually become an example of the transition to multidimensional analysis of research organizations. In a sense, POA preceded the use of benchmarking methods, which are now becoming increasingly popular. The experience of using POA can be useful in developing updated evaluation methods in the field of research and development, in particular for assessing the compliance of the potential of research organizations with modern tasks that they and the country as a whole face in these difficult times.


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How to Cite

Yehorov І. (2024). G.M. Dobrov’s Method of Problem-Oriented Assessments and Performance Analysis of Research Institutions. Science and Science of Science, 2(124). https://doi.org/10.15407/sofs2024.02.026