The Publication Activity of Researchers from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Successful Stories



 A detailed analysis of the publication activity of researchers from four leading institutes of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine (Institute of Mathematics (IM), Institute of Physics (IP), V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry (IBOCP), Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (IMBG)), based on information from the bibliometric (scientometric) Scopus database, was conducted for the first time with the purpose of determining the scale of their integration in the global research area. The information sources are works of foreign and domestic authors, reports of Academy institutes and Scopus database. A methodological tool developed for analysis of the journals and articles published therein relies on estimates of the citation index CiteScore (CS). A separate database was created for each of the four institutes using the following data from Scopus: title of an article; title of a journal where the article is printed; title of the journal’s publisher; the journal’s citation index; author’s surnames and affiliations (the basic institute, organizations in Ukraine or elsewhere). International periodicals where researches of the four institutes publish the articles, their publishing profiles, the scopes of co-authorship with Ukrainian and foreign colleagues in particular, were determined. It was revealed that the majority of journals with publications of researchers from these four institutes belonged to top global publishers, with the share of these editions amounting to 68.3 % for IM, 74.7 % for IP, 65.5 % for IBOCP, and 66.7 % for IMBG. An analysis of the publication activities was made by breaking the journals by CS index in Scopus database into four groups: with low, medium, high and the highest citation level. It was found that researchers from IBOCP and IMBG gave preference to journals with high CS index: these category of journals accounted for 50.0 % and 45.8 % of their total articles printed in the journals included in Scopus database. Researchers from IP printed the largest number of the articles in journals with medium citation level (44.3 % of the total articles), and researchers from IM — in journals with low citation level (52.7 %). It is shown that the publication heritage of the analyzed institutes of the NAS of Ukraine is a result of their intensive cooperation with other Academy institutions and leading universities in Ukraine, as well as with foreign researchers, mainly from the U.S., Germany, the U.K., France, China and 47 other countries.

KeywordsInstitute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the NAS of Ukraine, publication activity, bibliometric Scopus database, international cooperation, citation index CiteScore.


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How to Cite

KAVUNENKO, L. (2024). The Publication Activity of Researchers from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Successful Stories. Science and Science of Science, 1(123), 43–75. Retrieved from