preventing measures in insurance, public-private partnership, public-private fund of preventing measures, creation and management of the fund, funds of insurance guaranteesAbstract
The questions of the regulation of preventive measures on Ukraine’s insurance market concerning the voluntary insurance remain unsolved till now. Due to the deficit of assets, the state cannot finance the preventive measures completely without the attraction of private partners.
It is proposed to enhance the efficiency of preventive measures in the insurance by means of the creation of obligatory accumulating funds with different levels of regulation: a public-private fund of preventive measures on the principles of public-private partnership, fund of insurance guarantees and preventive measures on the level of unions of insurers, and reserve of preventive measures on the level of an insurer. The economic-legal aspects of the establishment, management, and activity of the funds of preventive measures on Ukraine’s insurance market are studied. It is emphasized that the efficiency of preventive measures in the insurance should be attained under conditions of the maximum benefit for participants of the insurance market and for the society. The question concerning the interaction of state’s bodies of power and management in the insurance sphere with private companies by means of the use of the public-private partnership is clarified, and the foreign experience is discussed as well.
Using the model calculations, the minimum annual incomes to the public-private fund of preventive measures on the level of 0.1% pure insurance premiums on Ukraine’s insurance market are evaluated to be about 160 mln hrv for year. The principles of the formation of an administrative council on management and economic activity of the public-private fund of preventive measures are proposed. Some measures, which are directed to the prevention of insurance cases and can be financed from the assets of such fund, are determined.
The necessity to establishment of a reserve of preventive measures on the level of an insurer is emphasized. The position about such reserve should be developed and used by an insurer with its coordination with a body controlling the insurance activity.
The funds of insurance guarantees and preventive measures on the level of unions of insurers are established not only for the prevention of insurance cases, but also for the guarantee to return the deposits to the depositors of insurance companies, which become
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