For authors
Article submission requirements
1. Choose a Journal Section for your article from the current List of Sections
2. At the beginning of the article, the following information is provided:
1) Preferred journal section;
2) JEL article;
3) initials and surname(s) of the author(s), e-mail address, ORCID of each of the authors;
4) academic degree, academic title, position;
5) the official name of the institution and full postal address.
The abstract of the article is provided in the original language, about 4-5 lines long.
The abstract should reflect the consistent logic of presenting the results, describe the main purpose of the study, and summarize the most significant results. It is necessary to highlight and indicate the structural parts in the abstract — Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
Keywords should contain from 3 to 8 words.
The main text of the manuscript. The text of the manuscript should be structurized according following sections: Introduction, where the statement of the problem, the timeliness of the chosen topic, the analysis of recent research and publications, and the purpose of the article are outlined; Statement of basic materials of the research and its main results, where it is necessary to introduce the received scientific facts, the method of their obtaining, and analysis of the actual material; Conclusions, which summarize the results of the work, emphasize scientific novelty and prospects for further research; Funding of the work, which provides information about the source of funding for the work, grants, and any other financial support for research (it is necessary to use merely the full names of scientific institutions and sponsoring organizations); Acknowledgment, which provides general information about any help in the research and preparation of the article; notifications of practical discussions and debates, thanks to colleagues and reviewers (in particular instances); notification of materials and data provision, computer support, devices provision for temporary use; information on conducting research in core facilities; assistance in the technical preparation of the text; as well as everything else that is evaluated as helpful assistance, but is not sufficient to be considered a contribution to the authorship of the work; References.
The text of the article. Please use the MS Word (*.doc) editor. The text layout should be in Times New Roman 14-point font at one-and-a-half intervals on A4. It is necessary to provide definitions of values or abbreviations used for the first time in the text and then use the appropriate term.
In-text citations. In the text of the article, references to scientific works (books, monographs, publications in scientific journals) are not numbered and are placed in round brackets with the name of the author and the year of publication, for example (Geiets, 2023; or Geiets, Hrytsenko, 2020; or Geiets, Hrytsenko, Borodina, et al., 2021), i.e., the name of the author or authors (but not more than three), year of publication. If the names of the authors are given in the original language in the text of the article, then only the year of publication of the cited work should be indicated in parentheses. For example, “This topic was studied in different years by H. Smith (2018) and D. Wesson (2020)”.
Citation of laws, statistical data, regulatory documents, and websites are given as footnotes, for example, the text of the article ….1, the text ...2 (as superscripts). The numbering of the footnotes is continuous.
Tables should be made using the MS Word table editor and inserted in the text after the first reference to it, indicating its number (if there are more than one table in article), the name, and the source that was used for its compiling.
Formulas must be composed in Equation or MathType editors.
Figures should be numbered according their order in the text; parts of the figures are marked with letters — a, b, … The text on the figures must be in Times New Roman, 10 point. On the graphs, measurement units are separated by a comma.
A summary of 200—250 words in English (the translation into Ukrainian is made by the editors’ office and approved by the author) should reflect the sequential logic of the results presentation, describe the main purpose of the research and summarize the most significant results. It is necessary to highlight and indicate the structural parts — Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Article layout sample
Journal section
JEL: …
I.I. IVANENKO, Doctor of Economics, senior fellow,
head of the department …
State University “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
Panasa Myrnoho St. 26, 01011, Kyiv, Ukraine
e-mail: …
Abstract (5-6 lines).
Keywords: …; …; …
Review of literature
Target settings
So, the purpose of the article is to substantiate..., reveal..., prove... — within 3 pages of text
Table 1. Name of the table, unit of measurement (each column of the table must have its own name)
Source: compiled by the author according to (author’s last name, year of publication) or the full name and structure of a statistical or other source (does not appear in the footnotes!!!)
Fig. 1. Name of the figure, unit of measurement
Source: created by the author according to (author’s last name, year of publication) or the full name and structure of a statistical or other source (does not appear in the footnotes!!!)
REFERENCES (made by the editors’ office according to the references verified and approved by the author)
References layout sample
LIST OF REFERENCES (without numbering, each source on a new line (indented) as it appears in the text)
Reference to the article: the last name of the author or the authors in the original language (no more than eight names, then ellipsis and the last name of the final author), first initial separated by a comma. The year of publication is in parentheses. The title of the work. Name of the journal (in italics). Volume (in italics). Issue. Number. Pages. URL or DOI.
Foray, D., David, P., Hall, B. (2011). Smart specialization. MTEI Working Paper. Nov. URL:
Egorov, I., Dubinskyi, G. (2016). Current state of S&T and innovation and perspectives of implementation of ‘smart specialization’ concept in Ukraine. Vector European. No. 2. P. 8–14.
Reference to the monographs and books: the author’s last name (no more than three names, put et al. after the third name if there is more), first initial separated by a comma. The year of publication is in parentheses. Name. City of publication, name of publisher, total number of pages. URLor DOI.
Uvalic, M. (2011). Insights from a Transition Economy: The Case of Serbia. IEG Distinguished Lecture 4. Institute of Economic Growth. January. URL:
Footnotes layout sample (continuous numbering)
Formatted as a Link (Links — Footnotes — From the first — Insert)
References to sites should include the date of access. The name of the site should be in italics. Provide the publication date of the material on the site (in the format 2022. Mar 15).
1 The Global Competitiveness Report 2019. World Economic Forum. URL:
2 Human Capital Project (HCP). The World Bank Group, 2019. URL: (last accessed: 01.10.2020).
3 EBRD joins working capital facility for Ukraine’s Kernel Group. EBRD. 2021. Apr 16. URL: (last accessed: 05.06.2021).