Open access policy

The editorial board of the journal “Economics of Ukraine” supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative aimed at the free and free-of-charge distribution of scientific knowledge, which encourages the accelerated development of science. The entire journal content is available for free on the official website of the periodical.

One may read, download, copy, distribute (complying with the copyrights), print, search electronic full-text versions of articles (in pdf format), or cite full-text articles in this journal without seeking permission from the author or publisher.

The electronic versions of the texts of the articles posted on the journal’s official website are a complete copy of their printed versions. The printed version of each issue of the journal is distributed by subscription and is also delivered free of charge to recipients of a statutory free copy, the list of which is defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Statutory Copy of Documents” dated 04/09/1999 No. 595-KhIU and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the procedure for delivery of statutory copies of documents” dated May 10, 2002 No. 608.

Since 2012, electronic versions of the journal are in open access in the journal’s profile on the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine website in the “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine” section.

The metadata of the journal is in open access and can be used by everyone free. 

Articles are published under the terms of open access under the Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY-NC-ND . Authors may post pdf files of their published articles (in editorial format) on personal or institutional websites. Quotations, figures, and tables from the articles can be used with a correct reference to the journal (author, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, number, page, figure or table number, DOI of the article) only.

Any reprinting of articles is performed only upon permission from the journal’s editorial board.