

innovation development, state capitalism, appropriation net, appropriation ellipse, private capitalist power-ownership appropriation, innovatively oriented state capitalization


The two-decade negative innovative dynamics of the national economy testifies to the inefficiency of its socio-economic multistructure and state’s economic policy. The study of the economic history of the evolution of a capitalism proves the forward-cyclic character of the evolution of a state capitalism and its leading role in the realization of strategic industrial innovations. This conclusion is confirmed by the modern realities of developed and developing economies.
Together with the large-scale deindustrialization, depostindustrialization, and desocialization of the national economy, the absolute domination of the neofeudal symbiosis of a private-capitalistic and power-capitalistic structures has been established in Ukraine. It rune trough all attributes of appropriation, whose “leading and guiding force” is the large monopolistic capital. The small-commodity structure and the collective one cannot be compared with it by the economic power and move in its fairway. The state capitalistic and postcapitalistic (socialistic) structures are marginalized. In the innovative relation, such socio-economic “construction” yields even to the late-Soviet economy, saying nothing about the developed ones.
It is of basic importance that the approach of Ukraine’s national economy to the level of developed economies of EC is hardly possible without the attainment of a parity, commensurability, and compatibility of the national state capitalism with the real European one. This is also true for the place and role of the former in the national appropriation net. In this connection, some directions are indicated, and some measures on the transformation of the power-private appropriation in the state-national and state-capitalistic ones with regard for the imperative actualization of the innovative potential inherent in them are proposed.


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How to Cite

TARASEVYCH , V. (2024). ABOUT THE STATE-CAPITALISM CONDITIONALITY OF THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL ECONOMY. Economy of Ukraine, 58(11(648), 16–31. Retrieved from https://nasu-periodicals.org.ua/index.php/economyukr/article/view/2015-11-2



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