The The Comprehensive Forecasting and Analytical Study Aimed at Identifying the Most Important Areas of Scientific Research: Completion and Main Results




forecasting and analytical study, thematic area of research, general working group, experts, scientifi c leader, most important areas of basic and applied research


The article informs organizational and technical dimensions of the comprehensive forecasting and analytical study aimed at formulating proposals on the thematic coverage of the most important areas of basic and applied research, conducted in 2021 following a directive of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine. Nine thematic areas were set, with creating expert groups for each one and organizing two rounds of expert interviews by use of Goodle questionnaires. In the first round experts indicated the areas of research within a respective thematic area, which they believe as the most important. After that their proposals were analyzed by the general working group, to identify 10 to 15 areas designed for further review to evaluate the feasibility of their development in Ukraine. The areas of research, recommended by the group, were included in the second round questionnaires, in which the experts were required to evaluate, for each thematic area, the availability in Ukraine of the necessary skilled personnel, equipment, advanced research methods, knowledge base, a recognized scientific leader, experimental and trial facilities, links with leading academic schools, and potential investors.

Although some divisions of Academies and basic institutes appointed by the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine for respective thematic areas showed rather formal attitudes to the fulfilment of this commission, 268 scientists from the NAS of Ukraine and branch national Academies could nevertheless be engaged in the study. The number of experts in some areas proved to be too small and the heads of general working groups had to organize numerous additional consultations with reputable specialists, which had adverse effects for the deadline of the study. But the results could nevertheless be produced, and they worth attention as a snapshot of the forefront of the modern Ukrainian R&D in the yeas of domestic scientists and should be taken in consideration in the postwar restoration of Ukraine and setting up of the innovation policy. This article only provides their partial presentation.


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How to Cite

Popovych , O. (2024). The The Comprehensive Forecasting and Analytical Study Aimed at Identifying the Most Important Areas of Scientific Research: Completion and Main Results. Science and Science of Science, 3(117), 68–80.



Vital Problems of Modern Science