



digitalization; digital technologies; institutional environment; strategic planning; socio-economic development


The current state of digitalization processes in Ukraine, directions and ways to accelerate its digital development are clarified. The character and factors of promoting and inhibiting of digital transformation are revealed, including: significant human potential of IT sector, availability of Internet connection, implementation of digital initiatives of the European Union, community activities, factors of institutional environment and digital infrastructure. It is shown that the implementation of technical solutions of the European digital single market for electronic data exchange (eCommerce, eDelivery, eCustom) is a secure, reliable and proven way to connect business not only with EU countries but also outside the Union. The formation of the ICT sector in Ukraine over the past 20 years is analyzed through the prism of the development and implementation of laws and regulations, directions and measures of public policy in this area. The advantages, disadvantages and gaps in the institutional environment of the country are revealed. Emphasis is placed on the advantages of the program-targeted approach and methodology of strategic planning for solving the complex problems of socio-economic development. The inefficiency of development and implementation of legislative initiatives in isolation from national goals and priorities is proved. Necessity and expediency of development of the State target program of development of ICT sector in Ukraine, updating of the existing Concept of digital development of economy and society and formation of the state industrial policy are substantiated. Proposals to create a strong production potential of the digital industry in Ukraine and accelerate the construction of national digital infrastructure are developed. Promising areas of digitalization in Ukraine are revealed, which include: artificial intelligence, distributed registry technologies and quantum computing. It is proposed to resume the practice of developing state long- and medium-term plans for socio-economic development of the country as a systemic basis for the deployment of sectoral initiatives on digitalization.


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How to Cite

YANENKOVA , I. (2024). FACTORS AND WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITALIZATION IN UKRAINE. Economy of Ukraine, 65(3 (724), 4–22. https://doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2022.03.004



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