national human capital, health capital, knowledge capital, science capital, innovative creativity, standard of living, human developmentAbstract
Choice of the subject matter of the article is conditioned by the deep conviction that the very fact of assessing the national human capital will contribute to changing the views accepted in Ukrainian society on this unique resource, which contributes to modern development of society and to formation of awareness of the need to preserve and multiply this wealth. These same considerations have determined
goals and objectives of the article.
Based on the fact that human capital is multidimensional economic phenomenon,
which has a complex internal structure, analytical study of its state and development trends
is performed by dividing this phenomenon into major components on the basis of indicators
such as demographic trends in the country, processes of reproduction and accumulation
of health, educational, scientific capital and innovation activity, along with criteria
determining the standard and quality of living of Ukrainian population.
Given the fact that human capital is formed and accumulated through investments in
specific processes of human life, except for special (branch) criteria, macro-financial
indicators became the assessment tools. Their analysis made it possible to determine actual
disparity of human capital existing in Ukraine to the level that would transform this
economic phenomenon to the driving force of the state progress and provide sustainable
and dynamic development of the economy. Study of the main trends and characteristics
of macroeconomic factors impact on human capital formation revealed a number of
problems and contradictions of its development, manifested in forms of sustainable socio-
economic losses.
Taking into account the priority role of the state in the accumulation and preservation
of national human capital, it is stressed the need to form the state social responsibility,
capable of preserving the unique resource, which is the human capital, and to prevent
irreversible processes of its destruction and losses.
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