

Historical trajectory of changes in foreign trade policy and the causes of increasing global inequality have been considered; peculiarities of modern international competition are revealed. The interpretation of liberalism and protectionism by representatives of various branches of economic science is disclosed, the relationship between free trade ideology and the theory of a market economy is shown and the content of educational protectionism as a Summaries 176 policy of protection of the national interests is clarified. Historical reasoning of successful combination of liberal principles of management with measures of government protection is given and priority of the national interests of economic development when determining the foreign trade policy is justified. Domestic experience of foreign economic policy as a factor of development and qualitative transformations of the economy is generalized and both positive and negative consequences of government promotion of foreign trade in the XIX–XX centuries are named. The process of development of international institutions under the aegis of the United States is presented and the role of the ideology of ordoliberalism and the doctrine of social market economy as a factor of success of development of the national economies after the Second World War has been clarified. Dialectics of development of international trade and changes in foreign trade policy are examined and conclusions for Ukraine are drawn. Modern interpretation of protectionism as an endogenous development strategy is proposed


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How to Cite

NEBRAT , V. (2024). HISTORICAL DIMENSION OF TRENDS IN FOREIGN ECONOMIC POLICY. Economy of Ukraine, 60(5-6(666-667), 151–169. Retrieved from https://nasu-periodicals.org.ua/index.php/economyukr/article/view/2017-05-11