world economic order, national interests, global trade war, international economic restrictions, anti-Russian sanctions, annexation, embargoAbstract
Relevance of the theme of the research is caused by necessity of a scientific analysis of research positions of supporters and opponents of anti-Russian economic restrictions as well as by the need to provide a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of applying anti-Russian sanctions policy. Such restrictions were imposed by the countries – members of the EU, NATO, as well as Japan and Australia – against Russia in response to its annexation of Crimea in 2014 and participation in hostilities against Ukraine on the side of separatists. Russia, in turn, has banned imports of the food products from the EU countries. As a result, world economic order has undergone the dramatic changes: world trade war actually started.
To achieve the objectives of the study, which is a generalization and comprehensive assessment of effectiveness of research positions concerning anti-Russian economic restrictions, the following tasks were set and solved: firstly, an overview and analysis of scientific publications of national and foreign scientists were carried out. Thus the special attention was drawn to G. Soros proposal and responses to it by V. Heyets and O. Sharov about providing assistance to Ukraine (according to British experts’ estimations, in the amount of US$50 bln.) similar to which the USA provided to the countries of Europe according to the "Marshall plan". Second, analysis of the World Bank analysts’ forecasts of the impact of international restrictions on the Russian economy is performed. Third, statistical indicators of the Russian economy in 2014–2015 and I quarter of 2016 were analyzed.
Solving the tasks to achieve objectives of the research, gave grounds to the following conclusions: economic restrictions applied in regard to Russia by developed countries, are in line with national interests of Ukraine and is a deterrent of termination of Russian expansion towards our country. However, economic sanctions cannot be permanent ones; that is why Ukraine needs to develop and adopt on the legislative level a strategy for the realization of the national economic interests taking into account the lifting the anti-Russian economic restrictions.
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