

wood, land use, land, categories, forest, materials, nature management


The term “nature management” in its applied meaning as a “labor object” in the forest-growing branch closely connected with the timber industrial activity is studied. It is clarified that the current normative-legal acts on the forest-growing and the public discourse are directed not onto their objective context in the nature management sphere, but more onto the use of forest resources. Hence, the use of mineral raw-materials resources, which are not renewable by the economic context, is equated to the forest management, though the physical volumes of the grown wood, as well as its removal and realization, are renewable and are easily measured by quantitative parameters. The account category of land resources “forest lands and other timberlands” included 10624 thou ha or 17.6% of the area as of January 1, 2014 by the State Land Register of Ukraine (SLRU). This is a quite powerful resource for the development of the forest-growing as a productive profitable land use. But, in the SLRU, it is called “forests and other forest-covered areas”, which implies that the object of a labor and, hence, a fiscal payment is a forest, rather than the land.
In the account of land resources in the account category “lands for the forestry purpose,” the appropriate differentiation is lacking. For example, the row “forestry enterprises” includes the data on the land users with different contents of the ecological-economic purpose. The last fact excludes their applied use for the weighty evaluation and for the making of organizational-technical decisions concerning the management, including the intensification of the timber production and the associated development of the timber industry. Thus, the improvement of the content of a nature management in the forest-growing branch requires the applied comprehension and the refining of the land, forest, and taxation legislation concerning its efficient realization and financing.


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Furdychko O.I. Ekologichni Osnovy Zbalansovanogo Rozvytku Agrosfery v Konteksti Evropeis’koi Integratsii Ukrainy [Ecological Foundations of the Balanced Development of the Agrosphere in the Context of Ukraine’s European Integration]. Kyiv, DIA, 2014 [in Ukrainian].



How to Cite

DREBOT , O. (2024). NATURE MANAGEMENT ECONOMY IN UKRAINE’S FOREST-GROWING AND TIMBER INDUSTRY. Economy of Ukraine, 59(11(660), 71–. Retrieved from



Economic problems of the nature management