competition, resort-recreational sphere, competitive medium, competitive policy, market, state controlAbstract
Under the modern conditions, the necessity to move Ukraine’s resort-recreational sphere onto a qualitatively new level of its functioning is objectively matured. There exist the needs in the reconstruction of the system of state’s support of the development of a competition. At the same time, the conceptual positions of the development of a competition and the formation of tools of state’s competitive policy remain a theme of the scientific discussion. The questions about state’s competitive policy in the resort-recreational sphere and its results require the up-date rethinking.
Here, the conceptual principles of the development of a competition under conditions of the establishment of the market of resort-recreational services in Ukraine are considered. The character of a manifestation of key forces of the competition is studied, and the peculiarities of their arrangement in the resort-recreational sphere are revealed. The preconditions and the factors of an innovative competition are determined, and the potential of stimulation of the steady development of resorts of the state and local levels with its participation is substantiated. The peculiarities of functioning of the market mechanism in the resort-recreational sphere under conditions of a monopolistic competition are shown. The problems and the consequences of a low level of the nonprice competition on the market of resort-recreational services caused by the underestimation of the meaning of a development of the favorable competitive medium for the development of the resort recreation, which occurs together with the neglect of social interests of the social development, individual values of a person, and his/her differentiated needs and possibilities are clarified.
The manifestations of an unfair competition, cases of abuse of the monopolistic state, and anticompetitive actions of authorities and economic entities hamper the structural changes in the resort-recreational sphere, which are directed to the enhancement of the quality of services, and activation of the processes of balanced pricing.
This study claims the necessity to develop and to realize the value-oriented conception of state’s economic policy, which would stimulate the efficient competition in the interests of the consumers of resort-recreational services.
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