
  • Valerii KOVALYOV Educational-Scientific Professional-Pedagogical Institute of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics
  • Olena ATAEVA Educational-Scientific Professional-Pedagogical Institute of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy


labor, social consequences, laws of development, human and labor potentials, human capital, economic formations, social relations, methodology of quantitative evaluation, social standards and normatives, social partnership, added value


The appearance and the development of a human labor, which are related to the establishment of a person on our planet as a carrier of the own potential, testified to the start of the human era and the civilization existing under conditions of the arising of permanent socio-economic contradictions in the society that are generated by the very nature of persons and by consequences of their labor.
The social consequences of the development of a human labor are understood as a result of the targeted useful activity of persons under the influence of manifestations of the system of objective laws of development of the Nature and the society that is realized in the continuous development of productive forces and in the transformation of production relations in the society, as well as in the aspiration of the humanity to the perfectness of the spiritual, material, and social life of persons themselves.
But, in the modern time, the humanity has entered, in essence, in the epoch of the global development of productive forces and economic possibilities. At the same time, the system of oligarchic capitalism has immersed the world community into the chaos of social relations and into the strip of wars and international conflicts, revolutions, terrorism, corruption, exploitation of a person by a person, and the inequality of distributive relations destroying the spiritual, material, and social bases of people. Therefore, the humanity and the economic science should comprehend the aims and the law of coexistence of persons on the basis of the noospheric approach, the system of other objective laws of development of the Nature and the society, the essence of the category of social consequences of a labor, and the new methodology, which is proposed in the present article and is aimed at the formation of a labor potential structure, and should substantiate the proportions of a distribution of the as-formed values between the owners of the labor potential.
Those proportions can become a scientific basis for the substantiation of a volume of legislatively established standards and normatives in the system of social partnership, which will allow one to specifically discussed the ways of socialization and humanization of the capitalistic means of production and its social relations.


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How to Cite

KOVALYOV, V., & ATAEVA , O. (2024). SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF A HUMAN LABOR. Economy of Ukraine, 59(11(660), 19–33. Retrieved from



Problems of economic theory