industrial policy, economy, metallurgy, scrap metal, machine-building, power industry, chemical industry, development, personnelAbstract
By some examples of the functioning of signed enterprises of the metallurgy, machine-building, titan industry, chemical industry, and other branches of the economy, the drawbacks of Ukraine’s industrial policy, which threaten the state to be deindustrialized, are revealed. The actuality of the theme is strengthened by many times in connection with the world financial-economic crisis and the force majeure circumstances taking place in Ukraine in connection with the situation in the Donbas.
It is shown that the industrial policy is the integral and coordinated system of measures of authorities, which are aimed at the development of the industry on the whole and its separate branches, and is realized through the relevant mechanisms (stimulation, regulation, control, etc). The object of the industrial policy is not only the separate enterprises or production branches, but the whole industrial complex of the state, which should be considered as a single holistic organism.
It is shown that the industrial policy must support the enhancement of the competitiveness of commodities and services of the domestic producers on the foreign markets, i.e., it must involve the foreign economic aspects and must protect the internal market from the expansion of foreign commodities. The final purpose should be the competitiveness of the national economy in the middle- and long-term perspectives with regard for state’s security (food, defense, etc.).
It is shown that the common sign of the majority of enterprises of the machine-building is the orientation of their products onto the external markets and the traditionally strong cooperation with enterprises of the CIS. Almost all machine-building enterprises require a permanent state support. The industrial policy of Ukraine must consider these peculiarities of the machine-building complex, by being based on state’s pragmatic economic interests. It is intolerable, by using the slogans of as if fair competition, to give the orders of the Ukrainian power industry to foreign companies, which have no scientific-technical advantages over the domestic industrial leading plants.
The existence of the possibility to enhance the efficiency of the functioning of great industrial objects and industrial branches in the case where the authorities make the economically grounded decisions is shown. Some managerial measures that will ensure a support of the national interests at the realization of the industrial policy in Ukraine are proposed.
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