

:innovation, state’s system of control over the innovative activity, state’s financing, financial support of the innovative activity, modernization of the economy, “points of growth”


The innovation for each enterprise is risky, expensive, and not always profitable. But, at the macro level, the ability of businesses to introduce and to implement innovations ensures the growth and the development for country’s economy, competitiveness, and access to new markets, incomes, and employment.
The sustainable socio-economic development, high growth rates of economic development, high-quality and competitive products allowing the intense penetration into world markets are inherent not only in the Group of Seven countries, but also China and the "Asian tigers". Competitive production and its high technical technological development are possible through to the state policy aimed at the efficient promotion and regulation of the innovation activity of enterprises, creation of conditions for the commercialization of R&D results, application of the transparent mechanisms for financing the promising innovative projects, and so on.
The aim of this article is to determine the impact of a reformation of the system of public administration of the innovative activity of economic entities in Ukraine on the enhancement of the innovative activity and the creation of conditions for the innovative development of enterprises.
We have indicated the directions of a modernization of the economy of Ukraine, ways of providing the competitiveness of productions, perspective “points of growth”, sectors and segments of the economy, investments in that can ensure the development. The current financial economic crisis in Ukraine and the military aggression from Russia are, of course, negative factors for the development, but it is known that the “crisis is a good time for changes” and, hence, for the introduction of innovations and a renewal of organizational structures. The efficient targeted use of the government expenditures on the defense, military medicine, technique, and technologies is able to stimulate the development of the industrial production, including the transport engineering, aviation, and pharmaceutical industry, by creating “points of growth” in the economy. The formation of competitive clusters will promote the growth of the economy on the whole.


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Economic management: theory and practice