
  • Ярослав ОЛІЙНИК Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
  • Mykola PISTUN T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Anatolii MEL’NYCHUK T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


strategic planning, regional development, levels of management


The conception of a socio-geographical approach to the comprehension of the Strategy of Ukraine’s regional development is proposed. In particular, сформульовано the essence of the notion “regional development” as a constructive representation of the regional policy is formulated; the peculiarities of the content of its strategy are emphasized, and a system of external and internal factors, which should be used in the strategic planning is substantiated. The measures of the governments of Ukraine in the process of realization of the State strategy of regional development are characterized; the basic principles of the execution of an administrative-territorial reform are developed; and the content and tasks (functions) of four levels of the public administration and self-administration such as national, regional, local, and indigenous ones are substantiated. On the national level, it is necessary to create complex targeted programs of eight principal strategic types of the activity. A province formed on the basis of a socio-geographical macroregion is proposed as the principal territorial unit on the regional level (the number of provinces, which will include the territories of appropriate regions, should be only nine).
The local level of management is represented by the urban and rural administrative districts, and the indigenous one involves united territorial communities. The authors propose a promising scheme of a structure of management of Ukraine’s regional development and approve the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the strategy of regional development “Ukraine-2020” on 12.01.2015, which considers four vectors of development in details. These vectors include 62 reforms and programs of the main problems, as well as the clear strategic indicators of a realization of the strategy.


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Pistun M.D., Mel’nychuk A.L. Suchasni Problemy Regional’nogo Rozvytru Ukrainy [Modern Problems of Ukraine’s Regional Development]. Kyiv, PPC “Kyivs’kyi Universytet”, 2013, pp. 85–86 [in Ukrainian].

Pistun M. Regiony vryatuye detsentralizatsiya [Decentralization will save regions]. Uryadovyi Kur’er – Govern. Courier, March 26, 2014, p. 6 [in Ukrainian].



How to Cite

ОЛІЙНИК , Я., PISTUN , M., & MEL’NYCHUK, A. (2024). ON THE STRATEGY OF UKRAINE’S REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: SOCIO-GEOGRAPHIC ASPECT. Economy of Ukraine, 58(12(649), 39–. Retrieved from https://nasu-periodicals.org.ua/index.php/economyukr/article/view/2015-12-4



Problems of regional development and decentralization