


smart economy; level of understanding; smart society; co-revolution; intellectual revolution; functional intelligent machine and its types; human-machine intelligent system; smart economy of I; II; III, and IV type; integral smart economy; set of human-machine intelligent systems


The levels of understanding smart economy as a reality are considered — empirical, abstract-theoretical, theoretical-applied. Within the empirical level, an acronym SMART, the views on knowledge economy, on smart economy as a part of smart society and a new model of economy based on information, innovation, protection of population and environment, as well as on its composition, functional dimension, target causality, certain applied aspects are characterized.

It is recognized that the main content of the modern knowledge-information-digital or intellectual revolution is the transfer of the functions of intellectual (in a broad sense) essential human forces to a special machine, as well as the creation of the essential forces necessary for this. The stages of this revolution are distinguished: mechanical, electronic-digital, neural, quantum. At the abstract-theoretical level, the initial, basic object, the essential core of the smart economy is defined as the human-machine intelligent system being the unity of a human actor and a human-controlled functional intelligent machine, with a decisive role of human as the main productive force behind knowledge-information or intellectual products, which in market conditions acquire specific forms of intellectual property objects and, usually, become goods. At the general-specific level of understanding, the smart economy as a whole or in a broad sense represents the unity of core (initial object) and interconnected therewith and adequate thereto components of I, II, III, and IV type, which function in almost all areas and types of economic activity in a broad sense. "Type I smart economy" is represented by the full production cycle of human-machine intelligent systems; "type II smart economy " — by a full cycle of producing knowledge-information products by means of such systems; "type III smart economy" — by the use of human-machine intelligent systems in various areas and types of activity for the full production cycle of various products; "type IV smart economy" — by a synergistic effect of the interaction between the core of the smart economy and its three types. In view of the above, the prospects open up for applied research into specific forms and types of smart economic activity, the content of the interrelationships between smart economy and other components of the economy as a social production, smart economy’s socio-economic, organizational-economic, and institutional dimensions.


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How to Cite

TARASEVYCH, V. (2024). TOWARD THEORETICAL UNDERSTANDING OF SMART ECONOMY. Economy of Ukraine, 67(10 (755), 92–112.