resilience; natural resource complex; environmental safety; tools; mechanisms.Abstract
Institutional tools as levers of influence on resilience in socio-ecological-economic systems are studied. It is determined that the tools should be effective, sufficiently flexible and adapted to economic, social and environmental changes (gradual or those resulting from emergencies). The toolkit is an important component, as it affects the effectiveness of the implementation of all territorial development programs.
Based on the analysis of the world experience of building resilience, it is established that the latter represents the absorption capacity of the natural resource complex, that is, the ability to quickly absorb shocks and recover. Given the tasks of post-war recovery of Ukraine’s territory, this property will become an integral part of this process. However, modern scientific research does not fully explain the nature of institutional support of resilience building process for the natural resource complex (taking into account the latter’s complex characteristics). Institutional support of resilience is studied, in particular, as the result of the experiences and reactions of actors facing social and/or environmental disturbances.
Given the various aspects of the tools that can be used in resilience building, they are divided into three main groups: administrative, economic, and market. Actually, the system of institutional regulation tools involves joint organizational-administrative and economic measures. The task of institutionalization consists in ordering roles and managing processes of interaction between organizational and economic components. Regarding the building and maintaining a high level of resilience of the natural resource complex, especially amidst existing uncertainty, certain tasks and traditional functions of tools will require improvement, since in their traditional role they can be economically costly, inflexible and, as a rule, do not create incentives for technological innovations. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the institutional component with economic prerequisites, taking into account the current state of the natural resource or territory. This will make it possible to both solve the environmental problem and prevent its recurrence.
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