Formation of superhard com posites of the BL group in the cBN-TiC-WC-(Al) system under the HPHT-conditions
cBN, cutting ceramics, high pressures, superhard materials, titanium carbide, tungsten carbideAbstract
By sintering micropowders of cubic boron nitride with TiC and WC&Al additives at high pressure (7.7 GPa) in the temperature range 1400—2450 ºC, the formation processes of superhard instrumental purpose composites of the BL group are studied. In the original charge, the respective components were taken in the following volume ratio: cBN : TiC : WC : Al = 60 : 30 : 5 : 5. Carrying out the HPHT sintering over the entire temperature range, high strength superhard composites were obtained which, according to the XRD- analysis, are composed of 90—95 % cBN and TiC grains. Starting with a temperature above 1850 ºC, the formation of a new phase — TiB2 (~4 % vol.), as well as very small amounts (~1 % vol.) of AlN and AlB2, was recorded. The obtained ceramicmatrix composites show high hardness values (35—40 GPa) and a characteristic dependence of the density and Young’s modulus on the temperature. The highest physical and mechanical values are characteristic of ceramics obtained in the temperature range 1800—2200 ºC, which is consistent with the test results at the highspeed turning of hardened (up to 60 HRC) and high-alloy (including inconel) steels at high temperatures in the cutting area. Conducting laboratory tests of the obtained composites, namely, the high-speed finishing of AISI 316L stainless steel (speed 300 m/s, feed 0.15 mm/rev, for 5 minutes), showed that all samples of this system exhibit cutting edge wear in the interval VB = 60 ... 82 microns.
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X-ray research methods at the Department of Metal Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Retrieved from
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