


high pressure, titanium carbide, vanadium nitride, X-rays diffraction, crystal structure


The structure of titanium carbide TiC and vanadium nitride VN, which together with associated phases exist in composites made from cBN-TiC-VN-Al charge of two compositions (vol. %): 60 : 17.5 : 17.5 : 5 and 60 : 25 : 15 : 5 by high pressure — high temperature sintering (HPHT) sintering (7.7 GPa, 1750—2300 °С) has been studied by X-ray diffraction methods. It was found that multicomponent solid solutions of the type (Ti,V,Al)(C,N) and (V,Ti) (N,C) are formed during sintering at 2000—2350 °C as a result of solid-phase interaction between TiC and VN, as well as between TiC and Al. It is shown that the crystal structures of these solutions belong to the modified NaCl type, which contains an additional regular system of points to accommodate nitrogen and carbon atoms. The elemental content of these crystal structures is also determined. Analyzing the X-ray diffraction data obtained in this work and earlier XEDS results, it is shown that the formation of these solid solutions occurs by two main mechanisms. First, it is the diffusion flux of nitrogen atoms released as a result of decomposition of VN and cBN. These fluxes are directed upward toward the composite surface due to the temperature gradient in the reaction zone. Secondly, it is the interfacial interaction of Ti and V metals through the interfaces of contacting grains of TiC and VN phases, as well as the interfacial interaction of TiC grains with liquid Al binder. In perspective, the mixture of fine crystalline multicomponent carbonitrides (Ti,V)(C,N) and (V,Ti)(N,C), fabricated in a certain way, can serve as a functional alloying element to improve the mechanical properties of medical titanium TV6.


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How to Cite

Belyavina, N., Turkevich, V., Kuryliuk, A., Stratiichuk, D., & Nakonechna, O. (2024). FORMATION OF MULTICOMPONENT SOLID SOLUTIONS IN cBN—TiC—VN—Al SYSTEM AT HIGH PRESSURE COMPOSITE SINTERING. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (4), 33–47.

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