Article Submission

The volume of a communication must not exceed eight pages of the journal [including the list of references (at most 15 citations), tables, and figures (at most 4)].

At the beginning of the articles the author indicates the rubric in which the communication should be published, the index by the Universal Decimal Classification; ORCID; the full name of the organization, where the work was executed; e-mail address.

The text should be written in 1.5-intervals, font “Times New Roman”, point size to be 14. Simple formulas are formed with the use of the commands “upper and lower indices; insert of a symbol”. For complicated formulas, please, use the “Math Type” program.

Abstracts (~900 symbols) and keywords in Ukrainian and English are submitted on a separate page (in addition, the name(s) of the author(s), ORCID, title of the work, and the name of the organization should be given in 2 above-indicated languages).

List of references should be composed in the order of citation in the text; the design of references should correspond to the requirements of the journal. Examples of the expression of references can be seen in the citation “Rules of expression of references”. Please, indicate the indicator of a reference (doi), of possible.

The file of the manuscript should be submitted in the format .doc. The figures should be written on separate files in the initial format and in the format .eps. The names of files should be short, understandable, and written in Latin.

The manuscripts are submitted directly to the Editorial Board or are sent by e-mail to

The author can subscribe the issue of the journal, where his/her article is published, in the post office Ukrpost (index 74137) and in the agency "Ukrinformnauka" (e-mail:; tel./fax: +38 (044) 288-03-46)