Layered perovskites Sr3LnBIIITiO8 (BIII – Sc, In)


  • Yu. A. Titov
  • N. M. Belyavina
  • V. Ya. Markiv
  • M. S. Slobodyanik
  • V. V. Polubinskii



perorskite, scandatotitanates


The scandatotitanates Sr3LnScTiO8 (Ln – La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) and indatotitanates Sr3LnInTiO8 (Ln – La, Pr, Nd) with monoslab layered perovskite-like structures (LPS) have been synthesized by the thermal treatment of a mixture Sr2TiO4 and SrLnBIIIO4 (BIII – Sc, In). The LPS of Sr3LnInTiO8 (Ln – La, Pr, Nd) have been determined by X-ray powder diffraction. It is found that the LPS of Sr3LnInTiO8 (Ln – La, Pr, Nd) belong to the SrLaInO4-type structure (sp. gr. Pbca). The final RB values are equal to 0.055 (Ln – La), 0.062 (Ln – Pr), and 0.058 (Ln – Nd). The peculiarities of LPS for Sr3LnBIIITiO8 (BIII – Sc, In) have been analyzed, and the correlations between their composition and the constitution of LPS are found.


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International Crystal Structure Datebase, card 20293.



How to Cite

Titov, Y. A., Belyavina, N. M., Markiv, V. Y., Slobodyanik, M. S., & Polubinskii, V. V. (2025). Layered perovskites Sr3LnBIIITiO8 (BIII – Sc, In) . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (1), 125–130.

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