Crystal structure of layer niobatozirconate Sr6Nb4ZrO18


  • Yu. A. Titov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
  • N. M. Belyavina Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
  • M. S. Slobodyanik Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
  • V. V. Polybinskii Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
  • V.V. Chumak Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University



cation-deficient perovskite, layered structure, X-ray powder diffraction


Five-layer niobatozirconate Sr6Nb4ZrO18 has been synthesized by the ceramic technology (presynthesized reagents — four-layer Sr5Nb4O15 + perovskite SrZrO3, T = 1670 K), and its layered perovskite-like structure (LPS) is determined by the method of X-ray powder diffraction. It is found that the LPS of Sr6Nb4ZrO18 belongs to the Ba6Nb4TiO18-type structure. The parameters of the elementary cell of Sr6Nb4ZrO18: a = 0.5687(1) nm, c = 4.146(1) nm, space group R−3m, the value of the reliability factor RB is equal to 0.055. The peculiarities of Sr6Nb4BIVO18 (BIV = Ti, Sn, Zr) LPS are analyzed, and the correlations composition — constitution of LPS have been established.


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How to Cite

Titov, Y. A., Belyavina, N. M., Slobodyanik, M. S., Polybinskii, V. V., & Chumak, V. (2024). Crystal structure of layer niobatozirconate Sr6Nb4ZrO18 . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (4), 92–98.

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