



forest ecosystems; forest biodiversity; climate change; sustainable forest management; sustainable development; economic and legal regulation


Global problems associated with the reduction of forest biodiversity, which lead to the destruction and depletion of natural forest resources, are considered. It is proven that the degradation and loss of forest ecosystems will inevitably lead to a negative impact on the quality of life and health of the population. The main gaps in economic and legal regulation, which impede sustainable forest management in Ukraine in a changing climate, are identified. It is emphasized that the main reason for their occurrence in forest sector is the imperfection of management system and sustainable development strategy in forestry.

Forest cover indicators in Ukraine are considered in accordance with the national environmental policy. It is substantiated that today Ukraine experiences a forest shortage and, accordingly, the inability to ensure ecological balance and meet needs for wood. Due to the ongoing Russian Federation's war against Ukraine, it is impossible to ensure sustainable forest management in the territory temporarily occupied by Russian troops, as well as in regions with an increased risk of danger, which are subjected to constant shelling. It is confirmed that the problems of impoverishment and destruction of forest ecosystems affect the quality of life, health and well-being of the population, therefore, they occupy a special place among modern economic and legal issues. In the context of European integration, Ukraine must ensure sustainable forest management in accordance with the European Union principles and standards. Recommendations are made to ensure an integrated economic and legal approach to the protection, preservation and restoration of forest biodiversity, as well as sustainable forest management in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

VOLKOVSKA, Y., & DUBOVICH, I. (2024). FEATURES OF ECONOMIC AND LEGAL REGULATION OF SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE IN A CHANGING CLIMATE. Economy of Ukraine, 66(9 (742), 70–83. https://doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2023.09.070



Economic problems of the nature management