



quotes; technical analysis indicator; moving average; simple moving average; exponential moving average; linearly weighted moving average; oscillator; stock exchange; stock transaction; stock market


Today, a wide range of factors impact a company's share price: from fundamental internal factors to political decisions of the authorities, industry, macroeconomic and world trends. Accordingly, the investor faces the problem of both choosing an approach to determining the industry and target asset and interpreting the analysis results, as well as the problem of the entry point to the market.

In this context, a number of relevant problems of forecasting share price changes for the oil production company Exxon Mobile Corp. on the stock exchange related to the specifics of using such technical analysis tools as moving averages and oscillators are revealed. The impact of various types of moving average settings, as well as their combinations, on the correctness of forecasting the direction of changes in the company's share price is analyzed. Based on this, tasks that are solved using indicators of such kind are formulated. An approach to the selection of technical analysis indicators and their settings when developing a forecasting system is proposed. Various options for the formation and interpretation of signals generated by indicators and their combinations regarding the further change in the asset price are considered, as well as several criteria for comparing the effectiveness of approaches at the testing stage. The results of using several variants of forecasting system are calculated and compared, the optimal ones are determined according to the selection criteria. Weekly quotes from 2000 through 2024 are used for calculations, based on them the optimal combination of indicators for use in the forecasting system is established. Areas of possible optimization and toolkit that can be used for these purposes are identified. Based on the findings of the study, a conclusion is formulated on the possibility of using the proposed approach to building a forecasting system to perform real stock transactions with company’s shares.


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21.11.2024 — Updated on 21.11.2024

How to Cite

SAVCHENKO, V., & BOBROV, Y. (2024). FEATURES OF FORECASTING STOCK QUOTE CHANGES USING MOVING AVERAGES AND OSCILLATORS: CASE STUDY OF AN OIL PRODUCTION COMPANY. Economy of Ukraine, 67(11 (756), 74–98. https://doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2024.11.074



Economic modeling and forecasting