imbalance; labor sphere; martial law; integral indicator; social risks; labor market; labor and educational potential; post-war recovery and development strategiesAbstract
The theoretical substantiation of the essence and content of the "labor sphere" concept is provided, its significance and influence on the system of social relations is revealed. The organizational and managerial structure of the labor sphere as a social institution in the system of national economy is presented, and its role in ensuring the adaptation of Ukraine’s labor environment to European requirements is revealed.
The results of the authors’ scientific research on the development of scientific and methodological framework for assessing the level of imbalance in the labor sphere of Ukraine are presented, the main conditions and reasons for the deepening of imbalance in the labor sphere of Ukraine during wartime, which leads to the intensifying impact of social risks and dangers on people, national economy, and the country, are considered. The main imbalances in the labor sphere and the socio-economic consequences of their manifestation in the conditions of martial law are systematized.
In the system of scientific and methodological support, the authors propose novel methods for assessing the irreversible losses of Ukraine’s labor potential due to the deaths of military personnel and civilian population; assessing the temporary and partial losses of labor potential during wartime determined by the duration of unemployment of the displaced population within the country, their departure abroad, employment opportunities in a new place, the probability of return after the end of the war.
The developed algorithm for the construction of integral estimates of the imbalance in Ukraine’s labor sphere is based on the conceptual foundations of the methodology for the development of European social indicators system with the adjustment of the generalized model of their construction. Indicators of the conditions for ensuring balance and balanced development of labor sphere during wartime are developed and substantiated. Approbation of the developed algorithm for the construction of integral estimates, which determine changes in the labor sphere balance levels in quantitative and qualitative dimensions, is carried out; emphasis is placed on the need to ensure strategic management of the labor sphere in Ukraine under martial law and during post-war recovery. The expediency of balancing labor and economic security, human development, overcoming poverty, food security, etc., which are the components of the current national security strategy of Ukraine, is substantiated.
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