



social policy; social sphere; martial law; state social guarantees


At the current stage of Ukrainian society’s development, state social policy, which covers various spheres of people's life, among them the social one, is of great significance. In view of this, it is very important to improve the theoretical and practical foundations of social policy.

The features of Ukraine’s social policy under martial law are substantiated, namely: the author's interpretation of "social policy" concept is proposed; the purpose, goals, subject and object of social policy under martial law are defined; existing tasks of social policy are analyzed and modern tasks corresponding with today’s circumstances are outlined; the main foreign social policy models are considered and the most successful one, in our opinion, for Ukrainian economy is proposed; the dynamics of the main indicators of state social guarantees is studied; directions for the implementation of social policy, which are relevant today, are given.

It is proposed to consider the concept of "social policy" as an activity of the state and society in order to determine and satisfy the needs and interests of citizens and social groups in our country. For a clearer understanding of the main categories of state social guarantees, the dynamics of the main indicators of socio-economic situation in Ukraine from January 2021 to October 2022 is analyzed. The following priority directions for the development of effective social policy under current wartime conditions are proposed: supporting the well-being of Ukrainian families, maximum stimulation of state social assistance recipients to enter the labor market; microcredits for starting own business; overcoming poverty; etc.

It is shown that social policy should be aimed at ensuring the well-being of citizens by providing them with the opportunity to obtain the necessary material, cultural and spiritual benefits.


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How to Cite

LITYNSKA, V. (2024). FEATURES OF UKRAINE’S SOCIAL POLICY UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economy of Ukraine, 66(1(734), 61–73. https://doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2023.01.061



Social problems in management practice