
  • Editorial office Korniienko


On August 4 of this year, Oleksandr Amosha, an outstanding scientist-economist, Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, turned 85 years old.
Juvilyar is a well-known scientist in the field of industrial economics, for nearly three decades he headed the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which is recognized as a leading methodological and scientific-organizational center for the economy and social policy of the state. Within the framework of created to them unique scientific school complex researches are successfully executed from the problems of new industrial politics, neoindustrialization and becoming of smart industry; an achievement of innovative progress and modernisations of economy of industrial regions are in the conditions of adaptation to strategic directions and principles of European regional politics; increase of efficiency of fuel and energy complex, in particular, to development of the newest forms of the coal mining and utilization of wastes of production with the aim of environmental preservation; there are system researches of social and labour potential of industry, warning of economic, social and ecological risks and dangers in the field of industrial.
Oleksandr Amosha is one of the most quoted authors in industry of economy. His labours the major scientific results of theoretical and applied character are illuminated in that there are certain recommendations from the decision of problems of economy of industry on state, regional and branch levels, got wide confession and provided to him high authority not only among scientists but also for practical specialists-workers that work on a production.
Oleksandr Amosha much attention spares to training of scientific personnels and specialists of higher qualification. For years fruitful creative labour an academician prepared quite a bit talented scientists and leaders of different level. Among his students over 60 Ph and doctors of sciences.
For a ponderable contribution to development of science and practices of О. Amosha. There is a recipient of an award Amosha the high state rewards of Ukraine: by an order "For the merits" of ІІІ of degree, by the diploma of Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, State bonus of Ukraine in area of scitech, by a sign "Miner's glory" of three degrees and many other. And in it 85 Juvilyar, that presently is the honoured director and adviser of management of Institute of economy of industry of the NAN of Ukraine, chairman of editorial advice of research and practice magazine "Economy of industry", member of editorial college of scientific magazine "Economy of Ukraine" and other leading scientific editions of Ukraine, continues the researches sent to the decision of the tasks of new industrial development of Ukraine fixed on academic science tirelessly.
Scientific public, colleagues and friends, sincerely welcome Oleksandr Amosha with an anniversary and wish to him salubrity, happiness, prosperity, new creative successes, world and consent!



How to Cite

Korniienko, E. office. (2024). TO THE 85th ANNIVERSARY OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (ECON.), PROFESSOR, ACADEMICIAN OF THE NAS OF UKRAINE OLEKSANDR AMOSHA. Economy of Ukraine, 65(8 (729), 95–96. Retrieved from