digital economy; digital transformation of the economy; system of indicators; composite indicators; statistical measurement procedures; SWOT analysis; disintegration of digitization indicatorsAbstract
The essence of digitalization of the economy and digital transformation of the country is determined. The influence of the factors that caused these processes onset and contributed to their strengthening and reaching the current level is assessed. Based on the analysis of the use of the latest advances in economic theory, the digital economy was defined as a communication environment for economic activity on the Internet and other mobile and sensory networks, which is formed as a result of the new general purpose technologies in information, communication and nanotechnologies transformational impact.
Based on a critical analysis of the methodology of constructing composite indices, which are currently used to assess the level of digitalization of different economies, and determining the strengths and weaknesses of each of them, the authors’ original methodology is proposed. According to the authors’ point of view, this methodology is free of the existing approaches shortcomings. It is based on summarizing the values of indices developed and analyzed by various international organizations, including UN agencies, and calculating on this basis its own integrated indicator. The value of this indicator averages the characteristics of the ten best-known indices that assess the world economy and individual countries level of digitalization.
It is concluded that according to the values of these indices, Ukraine occupies very unprestigious place among the countries of the world in terms of digitalization of their national economies. With the help of SWOT-analysis, the reserves for accelerating the economy and society of Ukraine digitalization process were determined.
The use of research results allows to increase the level of effectiveness of public policy measures in the field of forming the conceptual foundations for the development of digital economy and society and to lay the foundation for further research in this area.
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