management of processes of ecologization of the coal-mining, method of analysis of hierarchies, matrix of pairwise comparisons, priority, diagram of connections of side products of the coal-mining with the Nature, shutdown of mines, geological-environmental threats and risksAbstract
The deficit of coal in Ukraine forces one to buy in on noncontrolled territories or to import from the SAR at the price of 68 dollar/ton (i.e., to pay the double price). The coal branch is very important for Ukraine. The load on the environment, which is created by the operation of mines on all stages of their functioning, is one of the most significant factors. It should be considered, while determining the directions of a further development of the national coal sector. Therefore, this scientific article is rather topical for Ukraine’s economy. In the course of scientific studies, we have developed some methodological approaches to a modernization of the system of management of processes of ecologization of the coal-mining production on the way of a scientific substantiation of the necessity to apply the “seven new tools” method (firstly for the solution of this problem), which is a novelty.
Directly, the elements of an increment of the scientific knowledge consist in the following: the development of proposals as for the optimization of the management of processes of ecologization of the coal-mining production; development of a method of analysis of the hierarchy of factors affecting the Nature in the coal-mining regions; pairwise comparison of the factors of environmental risk for the Nature with the aid of the use of priority matrices; discovery of connections of side products of the coal-mining production with the environment with the aid of a diagram of connections; analysis of the levels of ecologo-geological threats and risks at the liquidation of coal-mining enterprises; development of an algorithm of evaluation of the environmental risks, which should be based on the comparative analysis of productive and environmental indicators of coal-mining enterprises; determination of local and environmental priorities among the factors of an environmental risk for the Nature and population’s health (among them, the highest-risk factor is the contamination of atmospheric air); development of a method to avoid the ecologo-geological threats and risks in the zones, where coal mines affect the environment; determination of the priority of rehabilitation measures; etc.
The complex of innovative methods, positions, and recommendations, which have been developed by the authors and favor the minimization of a negative effect of the mining of coal on the environment, was introduced in the practice of Donbas’ coal-mining enterprises. This will favor, in turn, their efficient functioning and the development of the science “economy of the use of mineral resources”.
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