The Semiconductor Self-Excitation System of Synchronous Generator with Fuzzy Voltage Controller


  • А.S. Kutsyk Lvivska Politekhnika National University, Lviv
  • V.V. Tutka Burshtyn TPS, DTEK Zakhidenergo, PJSC, Burshtyn



excitation system, fuzzy controller, synchronous generator


The synchronous generator voltage control system with a synthesized fuzzy voltage controller has been described. The controller has been synthesized with the use of mathematical model taking into account the nonlinearity of synchronous machines and semiconductor converters in the excitation system. This distinguishes it from the traditional excitation controllers whose synthesis is based on the use of simplified linearized models. The mathematical modeling results allow the researchers to compare the control characteristics in the system with the proposed fuzzy voltage controller and in the system with traditional voltage controller.


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How to Cite

Kutsyk А., & Tutka, V. (2024). The Semiconductor Self-Excitation System of Synchronous Generator with Fuzzy Voltage Controller. Science and Innovation, 10(3), 5–15.



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