Features of the structure formation of secondary silicon carbide synthesized under conditions of the interaction of nano-sized nonstoichiometric silicon carbide with iron oxide


  • Yа.G. Tymoshenko Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • M.P. Gadzyra Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • G.G. Gnesin Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • V.B. Galyamin Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev




cubic β-SiC, induction furnace, iron oxide, secondary silicon carbide, sintered iron ore concentrate, solid solution of carbon in silicon carbide, synthesis


The interaction between a nano-sized powder of a solid solution of carbon in silicon carbide and iron oxide at the high-temperature heating is studied. The phase composition and morphology of the powder product is analyzed. It is established that, in the process of interaction of a mixture of powders of the system (SiC-C) — Fe2O3 in vacuum, the synthesis of secondary SiC with a lattice parameter, which corresponds to the standard value of the cubic β-SiC, occurs. The same interaction in the flowing argon atmosphere is accompanied by the synthesis of secondary SiC with a decreased lattice parameter.


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How to Cite

Tymoshenko, Y., Gadzyra, M., Gnesin, G., & Galyamin, V. (2024). Features of the structure formation of secondary silicon carbide synthesized under conditions of the interaction of nano-sized nonstoichiometric silicon carbide with iron oxide . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (2), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.15407/dopovidi2017.02.042