


compounds of An+1BnO3n+1 type, mechanism of formation, slab perovskite-like structure


The main regularities of isovalent substitution effect of A-position atoms in the slab perovskite-like structure of BaNd2In2O7 indate on the formation mechanisms of two-slab phases BaNd2−xSmxIn2O7 type (х = 0, 1, 1.6 and 1.8) have been established using X-ray powder diffraction methods. It has been demonstrated that the staging mechanisms of formation and the sequence of phase transformations are determined by both the composition and the degree of substitution of neodymium atoms. It has been determined that the formation of a highly ordered slab structure of BaNd2−xSmxIn2O7 (x = 0 and 1) occurs at T > 1570 K through the structural transformation of an intermediate three-dimensional defective perovskite with a the general composition of (BayLnz)InO3−d, which exhibits a statistical distribution of Ba, Ln atoms, and oxygen vacancies. The formation of the two-slab BaNd2−xSmxIn2O7 (x = 1.6 and 1.8) occurs in two mechanisms: by the interaction of defective rhombic perovskite (BayLnz)InO3−d with the intermediate phase Ba(In,Sm,Nd)O4 and by structural transformation of the defective perovskite
(BayLnz)InO3−d. The optimal conditions for synthesizing single-phase  BaNd2−xSmxIn2O7 with a two-slab perovskite-like structure were determined.


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How to Cite

Titov, Y., Strutynska, N., & Chumak, V. (2023). PREPARATION AND PECULIARITIES OF TWO-SLAB INDATES BaNd2−xSmxIn2O7 FORMATION. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3), 82–88.

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