Obtaining superhard diamond composites and studying their heat resistance by means of the DTA-TG analysis


  • D.A. Stratiichuk V.M. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • V.Z. Turkevich V.M. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv




binary carbides, diamond composites, DTA, heat resistance, polycrystalline


Under conditions of high р, Т-parameters (7.7 GPa and 1950 ℃) as a result of the liquid-phase sintering in systems: Сdiam—(Ti4WC5)—Si, Сdiam—(Nb—Cr—C)—Si, Сdiam—(Ta—Cr—C)—Si, Сdiam—(V—Cr—C)—Si, diamondbased superhard composite materials have been produced, and their phase composition and certain physical charac teristics have been studied. In a circulating current of dry air in the temperature range 400—1200 ℃, the oxi dation processes of the produced diamond-containing composites have been studied, and their heat resistance has been determined using the DTA-TG analysis. It has been shown that all produced materials start to be oxidized with atmospheric oxygen at temperatures of 850—900 ℃, while the most intense thermal destruction processes take place in the temperature interval of 950—1100 ℃ and are predominantly superficial in the early stages. In all cases, the relevant exoeffects of Сdiam “combustion” and oxidation of binary carbides that are component parts of the materials studied have been recorded. The most heat-resistant composites are those produced in the systems Сdiam—(Ta—Cr—C)—Si and Сdiam—(Nb0,33Cr0,66C0,92)—Si.


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How to Cite

Stratiichuk, D., & Turkevich, V. (2024). Obtaining superhard diamond composites and studying their heat resistance by means of the DTA-TG analysis . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (12), 57–64. https://doi.org/10.15407/dopovidi2019.12.057

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