steel, fracture, strength, mechanical properties, fracture toughness, J-integral method, hydrogen embrittlement, degradationAbstract
The presented study establishes new aspects of application of fracture mechanics approaches to assess embrittlement of ferrite-perlitic steels in connection with the increased risks of gas pipelines integrity violation related to hydrogen transportation within the framework of hydrogen energy development in Ukraine. The mechanism of action of hydrogen-induced stresses as factors of deformation aging and microdamage of deformation character in low-strength steels has been investigated. The realization of decohesion-deformation mechanism of microdamage formation in low-strength steels at long-term operation is substantiated. The hypothesis about the possibility of realization of deformation aging as a stage of operational degradation of steels without external mechanical loading, if the source of dislocation generation is internal stresses caused by hydrogenation, has been put forward and experimentally confirmed. The high efficiency of using nonlinear fracture mechanics approaches to assess the condition of steels taking into account the destructive effect of hydrogen and operating conditions has been shown. The hypothesis about the possibility of realization of deformation aging as a stage of operational degradation of steels without external mechanical loading, if the source of dislocation generation is internal stresses caused by hydrogenation, has been put forward and experimentally confirmed. The high efficiency of using nonlinear fracture mechanics approaches to assess the condition of steels taking into account the destructive effect of hydrogen and operating conditions has been shown.
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