Research of mechanisms and driving forces of the self-organization of the matrices of natural solid hydrocarbons




metastable state, NMR, EPR spectroscopy, driving forces of transformations, coal, self-organization of solid hydrocarbon matrices


Analysis of the development of a methodology of cognition of natural metastable hydrocarbon matrices showed that such systems are perceived as a virtual nanoreactor — the optimal object for detecting the new reactions and mechanisms of structural transformations. This approach allows organizing an adequate information-intensive experiment to study the mechanochemically and magnetically controlled reactions using the testing of multispin systems by NMR and EPR spectra. Structurally sensitive methods for diagnosing the state of a carbonized substance at the influence of external factors have revealed a number of effects that were previously ignored. When forming the ideas, it is necessary to account for the mechanisms and driving forces of the self-organization of homo- and heterophase (solid, solid-gas) hydrocarbon systems. Therefore, it is important to study the features of the dynamics of electron-nuclear systems of hydrocarbon matrices and to research the involvement of natural carbon-containing compositions to processing technologies that are differentiating the substance. The formalization of transformations and the creation of conditions for the directed realization of a certain type of hybridization of electronic orbitals of carbon atoms open prospects of a management of the processes of self-organization of systems and the acquisition of carbon nanomaterials with the set propertie


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How to Cite

Bulat, A., Bogdanov, V., Trachevsky, V., Burchak, O., & Serikov, Y. (2021). Research of mechanisms and driving forces of the self-organization of the matrices of natural solid hydrocarbons. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3), 26–32.

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