Processes of creation and propagation of correlations in quantum many-particle systems


  • V. I. Gerasimenko Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev



correlation operator, group of nonlinear operators, nonlinear BBGKY hierarchy, quantum kinetic equation, mean field limit


The communication deals with the problem of a rigorous description of the evolution of states of quantum many-particle systems by means of the correlation operators. We construct a nonperturbative solution of the Cauchy problem of the hierarchy of nonlinear evolution equations for a sequence of marginal correlation operators, which describe the processes of creation and propagation of correlations. Moreover, the mean field asymptotic behavior of the constructed marginal correlation operators is established.


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How to Cite

Gerasimenko, V. I. (2024). Processes of creation and propagation of correlations in quantum many-particle systems. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (5), 58–66.